
Below you will find links to resources that we or our customers have found useful.

Thought Leadership

Hear from Glenn, owner and founder of The IQ Studio, on different topics in the data industry.

Data Ops teams and today’s CDOs face unprecedented challenges due to competing demands of creating flexible, logically integrated, well-governed, sustainable, self-service data platforms without impacting the pace of innovation.

The current favored architecture - “Lakehouse” or “common data architecture” - solves many technical issues. However sustainable, logical integration and governance remain elusive goals.

A solution may lie in a few key concepts of hub-and-spoke design coupled with well-engineered common key structures originally found in Data Vault warehouse design methodology are becoming the go-to solution for a final piece of today’s data architecture puzzle.

Video Topics

These are some videos we find helpful for people who are just learning about data and how it can be used and organized.

Understanding Data Vault

A quick introduction basic concepts in the “Data Vault” design method

The Business of Data Vault

Walk through of business value of Data Vault

Intro to Data Governance

Basic concepts for data governance

Intro to Data Operations

Data operations concepts explained





The IQ Studio is not affiliated with any of these links or companies. We just like them, and we thought you might too.